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Now that the weather is definitively getting warmer, millions of Americans are taking the time to do a little bit of spring cleaning around their homes. In addition to that, though, they might want to also take the time to review their home insurance policies to make sure they know exactly what they do and do not cover. Meanwhile, insurance agents should likewise plan to be a little more proactive in this regard, as this might help them to not only familiarize people with the ins and outs of their policies, but also improve their relationships with those clients.

Interestingly, though, many homeowners may have different types of coverage built into their policies that they don't even know about, according to a report from the Chicago Tribune. For example, many people across the country have policies that will protect them against damage caused by volcanic eruptions; this can be a real problem in a number of states that border the Pacific Ocean, and is true of Hawaii in particular. This kind of seismic activity, however, is not covered in the same way as earthquakes, and therefore consumers might have to check to see what is and isn't protected in this regard.

Likewise, another occurrence that can happen anywhere on the globe and could otherwise cause major havoc for any homeowner is if their property is damaged by a meteorite, the report said. Unfortunately, this kind of thing does happen every once in a while, but the damage caused by any object that falls out of the sky and goes through a roof or a wall is often covered by a standard home insurance policy.

An even stranger type of coverage
Another type of damage that would, surprisingly, be covered on many home insurance policies is any damage done to a property as a result of a riot or terrorist attack, the report said. While this is likely not going to happen, the fact of the matter is that most kinds of explosions, fire, or smoke damage - no matter what they stemmed from - would be covered.

When going over policies, insurance agents should be careful to explain to clients what's covered by their plans, and why. In the event that they want coverage that isn't offered in a standard plan, explaining the pricing structure to them could go a long way toward making them understand the risks they face.