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Across the country, millions of people are headed home for the holidays and are eager to celebrate with their loved ones, but they may be engaging in activities that could lead to big problems, some of which can lead to insurance claims. For this reason, it might be wise for people to familiarize themselves with some of the most common accidents seen at this time of year, and what they can do to protect themselves. It might be wise for insurance agents to likewise caution people about some of the claims they see during the holiday season to help increase that awareness.

Statistics show that about 1,000 people per year are injured when their Christmas trees fall on them, and therefore the utmost care should be taken when both putting up and taking down the big display, according to a report from Trees can also cause a fire hazard if they are particularly dry, so the more people can do to make sure they're getting enough water, the safer they're likely to be in this regard as well.

Further, many home accidents at this time of year are also the result of mishaps in the kitchen, the report said. There are many flammable items around the house at this time of year, and sources of heat and open flames can make for dangerous situations. For this reason, people should try to be as cautious as possible to make sure they're not exposing themselves to fire risk. Further, they should also check to make sure their smoke detectors are in working order.

In the car
In addition, when it comes to navigating potentially icy or snowy roads during the holidays, drivers will have to be careful as well, the report said. With more drivers on the road, and potentially dangerous conditions, speeding and aggressive driving may be particularly unwise at this time of year.

Insurance agents should try to communicate with their clients throughout the year about any kind of risks that might increase at certain times of the year. This might go a long way to help develop the relationship between agent and client, and significantly improve customer satisfaction as well. That's because positive feeling about a policy is often driven by strong service, rather than the simple ability to provide discounts on occasion. For these reasons, agents who put in more work in this regard will typically see higher retention rates.
