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These days, consumers are paying more for many of the different kinds of insurance they need to have in their everyday lives, from health coverage to home insurance. As such, they may also be looking for ways that they can reduce those costs by just about any means necessary, and that might include shopping around for the kind of insurance that's advertised most often on television: Auto insurance. As a means of retaining customers, it may therefore be wise for insurance agents to occasionally check in with their clients, making sure they're satisfied with their coverage, and probing to see if there are any discounts that may be available to them.

There are, of course, many ways in which insurers can help consumers to slash their monthly auto premiums when eligible, according to a report from McClatchy News Service. For instance, many people who don't drive very much might not be aware that they can qualify for low-mileage discounts, often because they don't know they exist. This is also true of discounts for working for specific companies, or having graduated from certain colleges. Further, many insurers also allow for even greater discounts on a per-month basis if the driver makes a single lump-sum payment to cover three or six months all at once, rather than spacing those premium contributions out over time. This helps to reduce the risk that a person will fall behind on their deadlines.

What can be done?
As a consequence, it might be wise for insurers to not only try to find discounts for people, but to also encourage drivers to look into those for which they might qualify themselves, the report said. When armed with a broader knowledge of what their current insurers offer as a means of cutting premiums, consumers might be less likely to shop around.

Insurance agents who can keep in fairly regular contact with their clients may be those who have the highest retention rates, and potentially attract a larger number of new customers as well. In general, people could actually enjoy those calls not only due to that fact that they might result in the occasional slight discount on their coverage, but also because it helps to build a positive relationship overall, by highlighting that the company values the person as a client, and isn't just attempting to get them to pay as much as possible every month.
